
Easily create events

Provide a few basic details and let Peatix suggest the rest.

AI creation preview
  • Publish in seconds

    Quickly create and edit your event pages, ensuring they look just right before starting sales.

  • Free, Paid and Token gated ticket types

    Offer a variety of tickets options for your events and sell as many as you’d like.

  • Content crafted by AI

    Enhance your event pages with compelling content suggestions, making your events effortlessly stand out.

A beautiful hosting experience

Create and manage stunning event pages customized to suit your unique requirements.

Build your community

Host engaging events, forge lasting connections and expand your following.

  • Grow a following

    Attendees can follow you to stay updated on your upcoming events.

  • Communicate with followers

    Effortlessly engage with your followers through direct updates and announcements through your profile.

  • Share your events

    Upcoming events will be listed on your profile, making it easy for others to discover and join.

community preview

Get started today